Vand casa in localitatea Silivas - Mun. Gherla, jud. Cluj, compusa din living-room spatios, dormitor, bucatarie, hol. Pod generos care poate fi compartimentat si mansardat. Anexe gospodaresti – casa/bucatarie de vara, bucatarie pentru depozitare, fantana in curte, etc. Curtea, gradina, terenul aferent, intravilan, de peste 5.000 mp. Pozitie exceptionala, in centrul satului. Proprietatea are curent electric, nu are gaz. Reteaua de apa este in curs de implementare in sat. Proprietatea are acces la internet. Proprietatea este situata la aproximativ 5 km de centrul Mun. Gherla si la 40-45 km de Aeroportul International Cluj-Napoca. Casa si terenul sunt intabulate, unic proprietar, Carte funciara individuala, totul liber de sarcini. Contractul autentic de vanzare-cumparare se va semna in fata notarului public. Pretul este fix : 50.000 EURO. Pretul NU este negociabil absolut deloc. Mai multe poze, video, detalii, la numarul de telefon sau pe whatsapp. A very nice rural property with land for sale in the hart of Transylvania area, Romania – Europe directly from it`s owner : Located in Silivas - Gherla City, Cluj county, i offer to sale a big house that has a spacious living room, a bedroom, and a kitchen, built by stone and brick, together with household annexes, yard and garden, a total area of almost 5000 square meters. The house is situated in the middle of the Silivas village ( Gherla City ), and the area is very quiet. The air is not polluted at all, air quality is particularly high due to the surrounding forests. Around the house animals can be grown and agriculture can be practiced. The Somes River passes through the area, so fish fishing can be practiced. The landscape is natural, a genuine Romanian landscape, one of rare beauty. Internet connection – yes. The property is located at 5 Km from Gherla City centre and 40 km from Cluj-Napoca City International Airport. The sale contract will be signed in front of the public notary. PRICE : 50.000 EURO. For more photos, videos and details, please contact me ( english or romanian language ) at phone/whatsapp number.